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Why our healing process is like a refiner's fire!


RANT COMING! It makes me so sad sometimes... (yes i know. i cant control this--not looking for advice), people come to me saying they are desperate, they want to get better. But the moment they ask "does this program have any side effects?" I never know what to say as that is a western medicine term!

My short answer? no there is no side effects as this is not even the same approach.

Will there be die off symptoms? probably!

"but how bad?" everyone is different! For me? i was sick my whole life! My herxe was 3-4 days of being in bed. Was it awful? yes! Was it worth it? absolutely!

Many people here are so afraid of pain, when they already are in pain. They run for the hills the moment they find out their symptoms might get slightly worse for a few days. But will take an herb or drug without question even if it will injure them further.

Those bugs have been living inside you for 5..10...20+ or more years and you think its going to be roses and lollipops?. For them to die, its going to not be pretty. They rot! They detoxify and it looks ugly for a bit...but thats just how it is. Just like a refiner's fire anything beautiful has to be purged, roughed up and purified to become what it is.

I want everyone to know that its worth it feeling a bit worse for a few days and feeling absolutely amazing the rest of my life instead of being complacent in my pain because of fear while wondering why my life isn't improving. Life will always have its challenges, but if i ever have a chance of making my life easier...i'm going to do it. RANT OVER!




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Disclaimer: The material provided here is for research, educational, and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor a replacement for traditional scientific medical care. Frequency Health Codes, and/or Haley Mueller is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Use of the programs, advice, and other information contained in this site is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. It is recommended you maintain good working relationships with a doctor of medicine. You are responsible for your own health.

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