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Behind the "why"


The funnest thing for me when I work with people is finding out the WHY as to how they got sick. The muscle test 99% of the time reveals it whether the person knows or not, if you ask the right questions.

With an old friend who was struggling with some major depression, I asked her body when it began. Her body said at 9 years old. I asked her if she remembers a stressful event around that time and she didn’t remember at first. This is why the muscle test and asking the body can never go wrong. When I began muscle testing for the right code pack, her body narrowed it down to Accident Pack 1. I asked her “I got accident pack 1, does that ring a bell?” Her eyes went wide and she was like “OHHH! At 9 years old, my family got in a car accident! I was asleep and the car rolled.” It’s crazy how the body just knows, even if I or the person experiencing the symptoms doesn’t know. This is how it works folks!




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Disclaimer: The material provided here is for research, educational, and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor a replacement for traditional scientific medical care. Frequency Health Codes, and/or Haley Mueller is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Use of the programs, advice, and other information contained in this site is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. It is recommended you maintain good working relationships with a doctor of medicine. You are responsible for your own health.

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