The funnest thing for me when I work with people is finding out the WHY as to how they got sick. The muscle test 99% of the time reveals it whether the person knows or not, if you ask the right questions.
With an old friend who was struggling with some major depression, I asked her body when it began. Her body said at 9 years old. I asked her if she remembers a stressful event around that time and she didn’t remember at first. This is why the muscle test and asking the body can never go wrong. When I began muscle testing for the right code pack, her body narrowed it down to Accident Pack 1. I asked her “I got accident pack 1, does that ring a bell?” Her eyes went wide and she was like “OHHH! At 9 years old, my family got in a car accident! I was asleep and the car rolled.” It’s crazy how the body just knows, even if I or the person experiencing the symptoms doesn’t know. This is how it works folks!