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​Schedule a 15 minute call to see if the program is best for you.​


​What's Next?​​

1     Health Form

An easy, online form for foundational health understanding.  All information shared is strictly confidential, and will not be shared outside of Frequency Health Codes PHA.

2     Schedule Call

Schedule a full consultation, discussing health history for a Frequency Health Codes 3-Month Subscription.  

Services and Packages

Frequency Health Codes

3-Month Subscription

- Included: - 3 Months of Frequency Health Codes. - 3 Consultations to review health and needed codes. - Access to Haley for questions along the way. - 3 Month minimum subscription is required for all new patients, to ensure codes are adequately working. - Additional months may be added per the personal needs of the body, and desires of the client. - Up-front payment of the 3-month subscription will result in an applicable discount. - If adding members to current subscription, consultation call is not required for purchase. - Group pricing is intended for families, or those in the care of another. - Primary group member pricing is $185 per month. - Each additional group member is an additional $92 per month.

$185 /month

3 Months

*Discount for payment in full

$92 /month

Each Additional Client


Multi-Modality Healing


One-Time Payment

- You will receive one virtual Innerwise session focusing on balancing your energies. - Created by Dr. Uwe Albrecht, Innerwise utilizes specific frequency patterns that can be used for healing. The cards can be used to balance stress on various levels, including physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. They incorporate energies from Bach flower remedies, crystals, plants, animals, minerals, sounds of celestial bodies, archangels, Schuessler tissue salts, homeopathic remedies, and symbols.

Angel Cards

Card Read Session


One-Time Payment

- You will receive one virtual Angel Card session. - While our celestial brothers help us fix things quickly, like cutting cords with Archangel Michael, our angelic sisters reflect on our potential and worth and help us heal insecurities and fear at the root. These cards go beyond divination into divine knowing, prepare to meet, merge, and become the Archeiai by embodying the virtues via inner journeys and attenements.Discover what messages await you as the angels escort you through many breakthroughs on a return journey to bliss and balance.

Healing Bundle

- Frequency Health Codes
- Innerwise

$255 /month

- Focus on the core healing modality of Frequency Health Codes, and bundle with Innerwise. - Consultation Call must be purchased before initial subscription. - If adding members to current subscription, consultation call is not required for purchase. - Group pricing is intended for families, or those in the care of another. - Primary group member pricing is $185 per month. - Each additional group member is an additional $92 per month. - Included for each member: - 3 Months of Frequency Health Codes. - 3 Consultations to review health and needed codes. - Access to Haley for questions along the way. - One Innerwise session. - 3 Month minimum subscription is required for all new patients, to ensure codes are adequately working. Additional months may be added per the personal needs of the body, and desires of the client.

Ultimate Healing Bundle

- Frequency Health Codes
- Innerwise
- Angel Cards

$325 /month

- Focus on the core healing modality of Frequency Health Codes, and bundle with Innerwise, and Angel Cards. - Consultation Call must be purchased before initial subscription. - If adding members to current subscription, consultation call is not required for purchase. - Group pricing is intended for families, or those in the care of another. - Primary group member pricing is $185 per month. - Each additional group member is an additional $92 per month. - Included for each member: - 3 Months of Frequency Health Codes. - 3 Consultations to review health and needed codes. - Access to Haley for questions along the way. - One session of Innerwise. - One session of Angel Cards. - 3 Month minimum subscription is required for all new patients, to ensure codes are adequately working. Additional months may be added per the personal needs of the body, and desires of the client.

Emergency Codes

Price varies with need

As needed

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Frequency Health Codes logo, brain DNA connection to health

Frequency Health Codes PHA
​All rights Reserved without Prejudice

Disclaimer: The material provided here is for research, educational, and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor a replacement for traditional scientific medical care. Frequency Health Codes, and/or Haley Mueller is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Use of the programs, advice, and other information contained in this site is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. It is recommended you maintain good working relationships with a doctor of medicine. You are responsible for your own health.

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